the letter i never sent. the book i never published.
what i found came from my personal journey to re-discover why i need photography in my life. i had an experience that deterred me from something that made me happy and confused my intended goal for my career.
in its simplest form, i removed all the equipment and journalism-based thought process that went into my photography prior to this project leaving a colorless, vulnerable group of photos that reminded me of why photography brings me joy.
while i was using my i-phone to create these images, it felt very simple and was a challenge at first to accept these images as something i can be proud of. i hope you, the anonymous viewer, also can be proud of it too.

i want to thank my two professors michael forsberg and michael farrell, also known as the mikes, for guiding me through this project. without their encouragement to be vulnerable, this would have not come out the way it did and i would not be as proud as i am of this group of photos.
they made me see that the character i was waiting for to come along in my photos was actually just me. i was waiting for me.